The West Michigan Pet Loss Support Group
What: Companion Animal Loss Grief Support Group is a safe place – online and in person – where those bound by the experience of the impending loss or death (recent or long ago) of a companion animal can come together to share stories, receive validation of feelings and concerns, learn about grief and the mourning process, and reflect upon the meaning of it all.
When: The Companion Animal Loss Grief Support Group meets the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00pm.
Where: Heaven at Home Pet Hospice 1530 Monroe Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Who: All are welcome.
What to Bring: A picture of your pet (optional), a journal/writing instrument and an open heart.
Registration: Please RSVP with the Group Facilitator, Ginny Mikita, 616.460.0373 or, by noon on the day the group meets.
Cost: While there is no charge, donations to offset costs will be gratefully accepted.
Note: The Pet Loss Grief Support Group does not meet in person during COVID restrictions. The group DOES meet virtually.