(616) 498-1316

Food Safety for Your Pets During the Holidays

December 20th, 2024 by Ima Admin

Do you know what foods your senior pet should avoid during the Holiday season? And which foods are healthful? Heaven at Home’s medical director, Dr. Amy Hoss, teams up with Dr. Kim Barnes to give you great advice on what – and what not – to share with your beloved companion during the holidays. Check it out, then follow us for more new videos each month on Tiktok, YouTube and Instagram!


Dr. Amy Hoss:
Hi. I’m Dr. Amy, the medical director at Heaven at Home Pet Hospice.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
And I’m Dr. Kim. I’m one of the associates here at Heaven at Home, and this is Gilly, our star of the show.

Dr. Amy Hoss:
And just as a reminder, everything we’re talking about today is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for any medical advice that you can get from your veterinarian, who is familiar with any unique medical needs of your pet.

And a common question that we get as veterinarians is, are leftovers safe for my pet?
A good question to ask yourself is, does my pet have any food sensitivities or allergies? If that’s the case, then, of course, avoid that item.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
Another good question to ask yourself is, does my pet have any underlying diseases like pancreatitis or diabetes? In those cases, it’s best to avoid any new or unusual foods.

Dr. Amy Hoss:
Watch out for uncooked food and rising bread dough while you’re getting ready for the meal, bustling around the kitchen and entertaining your guests.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
And as the meal winds down, be mindful of any scraps that may contain bits of bone and also the extra bits of skin that could contain excessive fat. All of these could cause stomach upset or bigger problems.

Dr. Amy Hoss:
As a general rule, any foods that contain garlic or onion should be avoided. That could be your green bean casserole, your stuffing and any other side dishes.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
Other toxic foods that can sneak into your dishes are baker’s chocolate, dark chocolate, macadamia nuts, raisins, grapes, and sweeteners like xylitol.

Dr. Amy Hoss:
And as with all food safety, if it’s been in the refrigerator a little too long and you wouldn’t eat it yourself, it’s probably not safe to give to your pets, either.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
So we’ve talked about a lot of foods that our pets can’t eat. What are some things we can share with our furry friends?

We can give them green beans, potatoes, and other veggies. Those are always a great option.

A little bit of turkey, a little bit of ham, just for being mindful of keeping them sauce-free in case those sauces contain any of the foods that we’ve had that we spoke about before that are not safe.

And also maybe a little bit of that pie crust.

Dr. Amy Hoss:
So we’ve discussed some foods to avoid and some foods that are safe for your pets, but there’s a few other things that we should mention that come with the holidays.
So your guests may not be used to having inquisitive pets around. So make sure you avoid these items, drinks, edibles, and also gum.

So pets may like eggnog, but they should avoid it and other forms of drinks, so especially coffee and other forms of alcohol.

Also in Michigan, marijuana is legal, but be sure to keep any edibles or other forms of gum or sugar-free candy out of reach as those can contain xylitol, as we talked about earlier, that be very toxic to pets.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
Very true. So if your pets have been exposed to any of these things that we’ve talked about or you have any concerns, please reach out to your local emergency veterinary clinic or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control. We’ll list the number below.

Dr. Amy Hoss:
And for more great senior pet tips or any information on home euthanasia or aftercare, follow us on our webpage at pethospicevet.com or like us and follow us on social media.

Dr. Kim Barnes:
Thank you for joining us today.

The Surprising Importance of ‘Pawdicures’ for Pets

December 20th, 2024 by Ima Admin

Did you know that regular nail maintenance for senior dogs alleviates pain, improves mobility, and supports rehabilitation? Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed is essential. Here’s why:

Posture & Pain

Long nails cause discomfort and severe consequences in senior dogs because they alter the natural alignment of the paws, forcing your companion to shift his or her weight improperly. This can lead to pain in the joints, ligaments, and muscles. According to a study published in Veterinary Surgery, prolonged postural changes due to overgrown nails exacerbate arthritis.

“For a dog, walking on long nails feels like wearing very high heels! Trimming the nails reduces pressure on the toe joints, helping to restore proper posture. This relief can significantly improve a senior dog’s comfort and quality of life,” said Dr. Laurie Brush, founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice.

That’s why veterinary surgeons and rehabilitation specialists recommend weekly nail trimming on senior dogs. Frequency helps prevent the “quick” (the fleshy part) inside the nail from getting too long and avoids the vicious cycle of over-sensitized toe pads and traumatic clipping sessions with bleeding.

Slips & Falls

Properly trimmed nails ensure that the dog’s paws make full contact with the ground, improving grip and stability. Research in canine biomechanics shows that dogs with well-maintained nails exhibit better balance and fewer incidents of slips and falls, especially on slippery surfaces. The Heaven at Home team routinely recommends that pet parents use foam mats and even toe grips to further prevent slip risks at home.

Rehabilitation Support

For senior dogs recovering from surgery or managing conditions such as hip dysplasia, maintaining short nails is crucial. Physical therapists for animals often emphasize nail care as part of rehabilitation programs. Long nails can interfere with gait retraining exercises, impeding progress. A study from the Journal of Small Animal Practice notes that dogs undergoing rehabilitation therapy for orthopedic issues demonstrated better outcomes when nail care was incorporated into their treatment plan.

Tips for Safe Nail Care

  • Use high-quality nail trimmers designed for dogs, and/or consider a grinder (such as a Dremel tool) if your dog doesn’t tolerate clippers or you prefer smoother edges.
  • Trim gradually to avoid cutting into the quick, which can be painful and cause bleeding.
  • If unsure about proper techniques, consult a professional groomer or veterinarian for home tutorials.

Trimming senior dogs’ nails is more than a grooming necessity—it is a key aspect of their health care routine. By reducing pain, enhancing mobility, and supporting rehabilitation, regular nail maintenance can dramatically improve the quality of life for aging dogs.





Comfort Care in the Twilight Years of Your Cat

December 20th, 2024 by Ima Admin

Cats are stoic creatures, and are loath to admit when they’re in pain. Ensuring that your kitty is comfortable in their senior years or when they have a life limiting illness may require some sleuthing.

“Cats are excellent at masking pain due to traits inherited by their wild ancestors. We want to monitor criteria like appetite, mobility, and enjoyment of family and simple pleasures to gauge their quality of life,” said Dr. Laurie Brush, founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice.

Home Observation:

Observe subtle changes in your kitty’s physical health and behavior. Watch for:

  1. Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss
    Has your cat lost interest in their meals or eat with less enthusiasm? Are they spilling their food when they used to be tidy?
  2. Decreased Mobility
    Did your kitty love to sleep in their cat tree but doesn’t anymore? Maybe they don’t get up on the couch or bed to snuggle like they used to?
  3. Hiding and Behavioral Changes
    Do you see less of your cat than when they were younger? Have they stopped purring or asking for pets?
  4. Poor Grooming and Appearance
    Does your kitty’s fur seem more matted or dull? Perhaps you don’t see them grooming themselves like they used to?
  5. Chronic Illness
    Cats diagnosed with terminal conditions such as cancer, kidney failure, or advanced arthritis may reach a stage where curative treatment is no longer effective. It may be time for the focus to be solely on keeping them comfortable.

Comfort Care Elements:

Discuss your home observations and any diagnosis with your veterinary team. Pain management, including medications and alternative treatments (like laser therapy, massage, and acupuncture), hydration and nutrition, along with environmental improvements, can all be part of the Care Plan for your kitty.

Environmental Modifications:

Making small adjustments at home can significantly improve a senior cat’s quality of life:

  • Provide a cat warming bed; use ramps/steps to help them get to their favorite spots
  • Try water fountains, easy access bowls, and warming their food to encourage consumption
  • Give them a quiet, comfortable place to escape to
  • Use low sided litter boxes with easy access
  • Find interactive toys or games you both will enjoy

Assessing Quality of Life:

Pain, Grimace, and Quality of Life scales can all help pet parents assess their cat’s comfort level and contentment. These Tools and Resources can be found in our TOOLS section.

When pain or distress outweighs moments of joy, euthanasia may be a compassionate option to prevent further suffering. The goal is always to prioritize your cat’s dignity and well-being, and to ensure a peaceful passing at the end of their life’s story.

Reaching Across The Rainbow Bridge

November 22nd, 2024 by Ima Admin

The Holiday season may bring joy, but it can also deepen the sorrow of pet loss grief. Pet loss grief is often an isolating and difficult journey because it’s what’s called a “disenfranchised” form of grief, meaning a person may not feel they have the right to grieve since it’s not socially recognized.

The healing power of memorial items and gifts can bring a sense of connection, comfort and peace to help ease the process. Gifts not only honor the bond – they can also help this form of grief be shared and acknowledged. Read the rest of this entry »

Continuing Bonds – Part 2: The West Michigan Pet Loss Support Group

November 11th, 2024 by Ima Admin

Recent research has explored the psychological phenomenon of “continuing bonds” in pet loss grief and a resulting increase in depression. The study outlined a two-pronged approach to promote healing: support and memorialization. Grand Rapids pet parents are fortunate to have local resources for both!

“Sharing feelings in the safe space created by a support group can be the most powerful healing experience for people. It is healing to receive affirmation that others have experienced or are experiencing what you’re experiencing,” said Ginny Mikita, who leads the West Michigan Pet Loss Support Group.

Mikita’s life-long love of animals led her first to law school at Notre Dame where she sought to represent the interests of animals, and more recently, to animal ministry. She officiates Blessings of the Animals regularly throughout West Michigan in both religious and secular places.

Through the West Michigan Pet Loss Support Group, she aims to help pet parents process unexplored grief and understand that their behaviors and feelings are not unique. Whether someone is sleeping with his dog’s blanket, having vivid dreams or a spiritual sense of her companion animal’s presence, or purging the house of all reminders of their pet, they learn that such things are “normal” and examples of what Mikita calls “universal expressions of how people deal with grief.”

“One of the things that can happen in a group setting is there are often people at every stage of grieving, so it can help to see there is light at the end of the tunnel. Over time the impact lessens, but our hearts emerge a little more tender,” Mikita said.

Mikita feels many different acts of commemoration have therapeutic value. Here are a few ways to help the healing begin:

  • Have a commemorative paw print or jewelry made
  • Retrieve cremains in a commemorative urn or memorial items
  • Create a photo album, scrapbook or video
  • Take cremains to a special place such as a dog park where you had spent some time together (if you plan to spread the cremains, please secure permission from the municipality or other governing body or land owner)
  • Plant a tree, donate a park bench, or otherwise make a contribution in memory of your pet or companion animal
  • Have an intentional ceremony or ritual to formally acknowledge your loss

There is life on the other side of “the Rainbow Bridge.” We can honor our past bonds and prepare our hearts for new ones with the help of community support and memorialization.

The WMPLSG meets the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at Heaven at Home Pet Hospice’s Comfort Center. To attend, please RSVP 616.460.0373 or ginny@animalblessings.love by noon on the day the group meets.

Four Reasons to Be Thankful for Your Companion Animal

October 25th, 2024 by Ima Admin

In the coming season of comfort, joy and gratitude, be sure to remember your pets when you’re giving thanks.

“Whether it’s your dog’s enthusiastic greeting when you come home or your cat’s comforting purr as they snuggle next to you, pets play a significant role in enhancing our emotional and physical well-being. Research shows that all this joy, love, and companionship helps us live a longer, healthier and happier life!” says Dr. Laurie Brush, DVM and founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice.

Here are some ways pets improve your well-being:

1. Pets Improve Your Mental Health

Pets are natural stress-relievers. Numerous studies have shown that interacting with pets can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that interacting with dogs or cats reduces cortisol levels, the body’s primary stress hormone. Reduced stress contributes to better long-term health and longevity, as chronic stress is linked to premature aging and various health issues.

2. Pets Keep You Active

If you’re a dog owner, you know that daily walks are not just a responsibility but a gift. Regular walks promote physical activity, which improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and lowers the risk of chronic illnesses. Even playing with a cat can increase your activity level. Research from the CDC shows that dog owners are more likely to meet daily exercise recommendations.

3. Pets Make You Laugh

Pets have an uncanny ability to bring laughter and joy into our lives. A Central Michigan University study published in Society & Animals found that pet owners, especially dog owners, laugh more frequently than non-pet owners. This laughter boosts your mood, reduces stress hormones, and enhances overall happiness.

4. Pets Offer Unconditional Love and Companionship

Perhaps one of the most remarkable traits of pets is their ability to provide unwavering love and loyalty. This companionship can be life-changing. A study in Frontiers in Psychology showed that pets provide comfort and emotional stability, particularly for people living alone or facing mental health challenges. A large-scale study published in Circulation showed that people over 65 who owned dogs had a 33% lower risk of mortality, thanks to the physical and emotional support pets provide.

Your pet offers you so much—physical health, emotional support, laughter, and love. By showing gratitude to your pet through extra attention, treats, or affection, you’re not only reinforcing your bond but also acknowledging the incredible ways they enhance your life.

The Pet Effect – Ways Dogs Can Improve Cancer Therapy & Potential Pet Care Challenges

October 7th, 2024 by Ima Admin

Lower blood pressure. Feelings of well-being from the release of oxytocin. Increase in blood oxygenation. Improved endocrine responses.

There are many reasons dogs have earned the title of “(wo)man’s best friend,” and research continues to find new ones.

The Human Animal Bond Institute (HABRI) currently has more than 30 ongoing studies that investigate the impact of our companion animals in specific scenarios, from children with autism spectrum disorders to healthy aging. At the heart of this research are the scientifically documented benefits of the human-animal bond, which include decreased blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and enhanced feelings of well-being.

In humans undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer, research has shown that animal-assisted activities reduce depression by as much as 50%.

“Numerous studies suggest that pet ownership offers emotional support and connection for cancer patients,” said Dr. Laurie Brush, founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice. “The challenge can be to find ways to simplify pet care for owners undergoing treatment, particularly when the companion animal is also aging or has a life-limiting disease.”

HABRI announced funding for a new research project that will explore the challenges cancer patients encounter in caring for their pets throughout the course of their treatment and recovery. Researchers at the University of Colorado will be looking for gaps and interventions to better address their pet-related needs – because the physiological and psychological benefits are worth it:

  • Interacting with dogs has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which is associated with stress. This reduction in stress hormones can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Petting a dog triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that enhances feelings of trust and bonding. Oxytocin not only helps in reducing stress but also improves social interaction and emotional resilience.
  • Patients who engage in regular physical activity, such as walking with a dog, tend to experience better overall outcomes during their therapy. The exercise not only boosts cardiovascular health but also increases blood oxygenation and enhances the body’s natural immune response.
  • Companionship of a dog can alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness that are common among cancer patients. The presence of a loyal, non-judgmental companion can significantly improve a patient’s mood, providing a distraction from the rigors of treatment.

“Ensuring support for pet care during cancer treatment is vital for both the companion animal and his or her human counterpart,” Dr. Brush said. “My hope is that HABRI’s new research project helps coordinate good planning across health care, social service and veterinary professionals.”

Visit the PetHospiceVet.com blog for tips on senior companion animal care and more.

Recognizing and Alleviating Pain in Aging Pets: IAPVM Pet Pain Awareness Month is September

September 20th, 2024 by Ima Admin

Dr. Laurie Brush of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice Highlights Key Research and Practical Tips for Pet Owners

[GRAND RAPIDS, MI] – In recognition of Pet Pain Awareness Month, established by the International Association for Veterinary Pain Management (IAPVM), Dr. Laurie Brush, DVM and founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice, is urging pet owners to recognize the signs of pain in their aging companions and take proactive steps to ensure their comfort.

“Pain is a significant yet often overlooked aspect of our pets’ lives, especially as they age,” says Dr. Brush. “Many pet owners mistakenly believe that slowing down or showing less enthusiasm for play is a natural part of aging, when, in fact, these can be indicators of chronic pain.”

Dr. Brush was one of the first veterinary specialists certified by the International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative care as a Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarian (CHPC). She currently serves as a member of the IAAHPC advisory board that advocates for improved quality of life for companion animals through compassionate care.

Recent studies underscore the prevalence of pain in pets, particularly in older animals. Research from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) reveals that nearly 80% of dogs and cats over the age of eight suffer from some form of arthritis. However, only a fraction of these pets receive adequate pain management, as owners often misinterpret or fail to recognize the signs of discomfort.

Recognizing the Signs of Pain in Pets

Pets cannot verbalize their discomfort, so it’s essential to be vigilant for subtle signs that may indicate pain. Common symptoms include:

  • Changes in Behavior: Increased irritability, reluctance to be touched, or withdrawal from social interaction.
  • Mobility Issues: Difficulty rising, limping, or a reluctance to climb stairs or jump.
  • Altered Eating and Drinking Habits: A decrease in appetite or difficulty chewing.
  • Vocalization: Whining, whimpering, or excessive barking.
  • Restlessness or Inability to Settle: Constant pacing or difficulty finding a comfortable position.

“By observing these signs, pet owners can take the first step toward alleviating their pet’s pain,” Dr. Brush notes. “Early intervention is key to improving quality of life for aging pets.”

Ways to Make Aging Pets More Comfortable

Dr. Brush recommends several strategies to help aging pets live more comfortably:

  1. Veterinary Consultation: Regular check-ups with routine care veterinarians are crucial. A vet can diagnose the underlying cause of pain and prescribe appropriate pain management options, such as medication or physical therapy. 
  2. Weight Management: Keeping pets at a healthy weight reduces strain on joints and muscles, minimizing pain.


  3. Comfortable Bedding: Provide orthopedic beds that offer support for aching joints, helping pets rest more comfortably.


  4. Low-Impact Exercise: Gentle exercise, such as short walks or swimming, can help maintain mobility without exacerbating pain.


  5. Environmental Modifications: Consider ramps or steps to help pets navigate the home, and ensure food and water bowls are easily accessible.


  6. Alternative Therapies: Acupuncture, laser therapy, and massage can be effective complementary treatments for managing pain.

Pet Pain Awareness Month is an important reminder that our beloved pets may be suffering in silence.

“Our pets rely on us to advocate for their comfort and well-being. By recognizing the signs of pain and seeking appropriate care, we can ensure that they enjoy their golden years to the fullest.”

For more information on recognizing and managing pet pain, visit PetHospiceVet.com for blog articles and downloads.

About Dr. Laurie Brush, DVM and Heaven at Home Pet Hospice

Dr. Laurie Brush is the founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice, a leading provider of compassionate, in-home end-of-life care for pets. With years of experience in veterinary medicine and a deep commitment to the human-animal bond, Dr. Brush and her team offer personalized hospice and palliative care services, helping pets transition with dignity and comfort.

Dr. Brush and members of her team are available for media comment and guest interviews to help promote the awareness of pet pain and new developments in pain management options.

To Schedule an Interview or Appearance Contact:

Kim Hoogerhyde,
Office Manager
Phone: 616.498.1316
Email: khoogerhyde@pethospicevet.com

Pet Pain Awareness Month: Early Intervention for Osteoarthritis

September 3rd, 2024 by Ima Admin

Every September, the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM) promotes pain awareness to foster best practices in the prevention and treatment of pain in animals. One source of pain that affects millions of pets each year is Osteoarthritis (OA).

One in every 5 dogs will experience OA pain and mobility challenges in their lifetime, according to the American Animal Hospital Association. In cats, some estimates suggest that degenerative joint disease prevails in anywhere from 40 to 90% of cases.

The cascade of arthritic events starts with cartilage damage and loss, followed by the release of inflammatory mediators. OA then progresses to synovial membrane inflammation, then bone remodeling/osteocytes that lead to heightened pain and disability. Read the rest of this entry »

Continuing Bonds – Life After the Rainbow Bridge, Part 1

July 1st, 2024 by Ima Admin

A middle-aged single woman cries every day for a year after her 17-year-old Shih Tzu crosses the rainbow bridge. A young child has night terrors and bedwetting after the loss of his Black Lab. A senior man gives up his favorite hobby of camping off-grid after he says goodbye to his Springer Spaniel, and remains wracked by guilt for not choosing chemotherapy at the end.

What is normal pet loss grief?

“There is no normal. And the trauma can be very real, no matter how peaceful the passing,” says Dr. Laurie Brush, founder of Heaven at Home Pet Hospice.

So how do you turn post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth? Read the rest of this entry »