In his younger days Bert could run the legs off any other dog at the park and would swim for an hour straight if you didn’t call him back. He hiked mountaintops and ocean beaches, deserts and canyons, dunes and rivers, and the sidewalks of several cities. He would sit and wait until called, would balance treats on his nose until given the ok, was infinitely patient with our children who came along in his old age. He was a gentle and loving soul, who followed me from room to room even when it became difficult to get around. He was a gentle and loving soul with the softest fur. He lived a full life in good health for 15 1/2 years, but it’s never enough is it? I could never thank him enough for being my dog. He will live in my heart forever.
In Memoriam: Bert
By Lauren B., published on December 20th, 2023"Heaven at Home was lovely. It was a relief to have the option to be able to say goodbye in a comfortable and familiar place. They were very empathetic and treated the situation with reverence."