Oakley and I met at the young age of 7 weeks and 17.
He was my reason to continue on. He gave each day meaning.
When he was 5 months old, he was kicked in the head by a horse… he pulled through.
By 2 years old, he had ripped apart a bedroom door, broken a window, ripped up carpet, killed pairs of shoes… my sweet, complicated boy. His biggest fears were confinement and being away from me.
Oakley enjoyed hiking, training, snoozing and snacking. He loved meats, cheese, fruits and even some veggies. He loved digging and peeing in sand, rolling in dirt and dead things. The only time he’d willingly go into water was to try and steal another dog’s toy.
He put up with so much, 3 younger siblings dogs, 1 human toddler. He did it all with so much grace.
We went so many places, his presence a constant in my life. We hiked everyday when you were younger, with your best friend. You came to work with me every day for 2 years. You are the reason I am where I am today.
And now for the first time in my adult life, I am without my constant. My good boy. My North, my South, my East and West.
But even though he is physically gone now, my heart aches, and my soul yearns… I see the little bits of Oakley in my day-to-day and I feel a little bit closer to home.
Oak Master Supreme
07/07/2014 – 09/30/2024