I got my sweet boy Marlin when he was just 3 weeks old. He was sick with a respiratory infection so as soon as I brought him home, he needed a lot of care and monitoring. This is where our life-long 15 1/2 year adventure began. Marlin was a big part of my life and traveled with me just about everywhere I went. If someone saw me out and about, you would most likely see Marlin too. Here is just a handful of experiences Marlin enjoyed in life: Camping trip up north with friends, many weekend visits to grandparents cottage in Bitely, Michigan, 9 years visiting residents at St. Ann’s Home, hanging out at the bar with the westsider’s, hiking trips at Cannonsburg and many more wonderful times he had. He sure lived a great life and was loved by so many. Marlin will be missed and thought of every single day……
In Memoriam: Marlin
By Natalie, published on May 1st, 2023"Making the call to schedule this appointment was the hardest decision I had to make. It was a call that brought so much guilt but I knew deep down in my heart, it was the right thing to do in the best interest for my sweet Marlin. As hard as it was to accept, I knew that he would not gain back the strength to walk and what his quality of life would be from this point on. Heaven at Home made this process so much easier with their genuine compassion and care. There concern of your feelings and taking the time to talk with you made me feel more at peace with saying goodbye. I know my sweet boy passed away peacefully and without pain and that brings me great comfort. Thank you Heaven at Home. "