Veterinary Wisdom, a magazine run by World by the Tail, Inc., is centered around helping veterinarians and pet parents work in unity to create the most peaceful end-of-life experience possible for pets nearing the end of their life. Veterinary Wisdom was founded by Laurel Lagoni and Debby Morehead, whom Dr. Brush had the opportunity to meet at the IAAHPC conference.
Because Veterinary Wisdom is an internationally known magazine, World by the Tail, Inc. has been able to pull a variety of information from many different sources to create a truly helpful resource section on their website for pet parents. There are seven main resource sections on the website:
- Plan Ahead for Pet Loss Many pet parents find it very helpful to plan ahead for the loss of a pet. Although this can be a painful thing to think about, making decisions about what you want to happen when it is time to say goodbye can help you to have fewer regrets and be less anxious about the whole process. Talking to us here at Heaven at Home before it is even time to say goodbye will help the transition happen easily. The less stress you can have surrounding you and your pet, the better.
- Make Decisions Along with the scale found on our website, this section contains many free articles and checklists you can use to determine when it is time to say goodbye to your companion.
- Make Decisions about Pet Cancer Hearing that a pet has cancer can be devastating, and many people have questions about what this can entail. This section contains resources, including free eBooks, that will help pet parents understand what a pet’s diagnosis really means.
- Find Support for Grief Losing a pet truly is like losing a family member. It can be difficult for many people to deal with the grief that accompanies losing a companion animal. Find information on healing in this section.
- Euthanasia This section contains free articles and eBooks providing information on what to expect during the euthanasia process. Our website also has information on what to specifically expect from an in-home euthanasia performed by Dr. Brush.
- Kids and Grief It can be especially difficult for children to understand the death of a pet, including why our pets aren’t equipt to live as long as we are.
- Begin Again This section will help you to know when it is the right time to begin looking for new companions, and forming new bonds.
Be sure to check out all of the grief resources Veterinary Wisdom offers on their website here.